Residential Hospital in Michigan to Help Meth Users Without Health Insurance Quit?

Question by John M: Residential hospital in Michigan to help meth users without health insurance quit?
My daughter, who’s 18, has fallen in with some meth users. She told me she tried it once but I think she’s using it regularly. She barely sleeps or eats, and she seems to have lost interest in grooming, school, etc. I have no power to keep her away from that crowd. She has no health insurance because she dropped out of college. Does anybody know if Michigan has a state-supported residential hospital for young adults where she can get treatment and be away from meth users? I don’t know how to remove her from the environment she is in, and I think that’s her only hope.

Best answer:

Answer by Mimi
There is not much that you can really do. If she doesn’t see that she has a problem than she has every legal right to check herself right out of rehab, remember she is 18. Unfortunately what’s going to happen is that she will eventually hit rock bottom and will seek help herself. In the meantime, see if she will take a drug test. You can buy them at Walgreens.

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