Trinity Catholic School D.A.R.E. Graduation 2003


Trinity Catholic School D.A.R.E. Graduation 2003 – This is a video made by Officer Van for our D.A.R.E. Graduation. We were in fifth grade and this was 2003. We went to Trinity Catholic School in Green Bay. D…


From Twitter:

Police to hold youth fishing derby: The Police Department’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education and Youth Services programs … @gr4sshopp3r – by oqafibeh (oqafibeh)


From Twitter:

Police to hold youth fishing derby: The Police Department’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education and Youth Services programs … @gr4sshopp3r – by opafokuset (opafokuset)


From Twitter:

Police to hold youth fishing derby: The Police Department’s Drug Abuse Resistance Education and Youth Services programs … @gr4sshopp3r – by onygafegy (onygafegy)