VIDEO an Affordable Washington Drug Rehab Treatment Center in Yakima, WA


VIDEO An Affordable Washington Drug Rehab Treatment Center in Yakima, WA – SUNDOWN M RANCH in Yakima, WA is an affordable licensed ADULT and ADOLESCENT substance abuse drug alcohol rehab treatment center since 1968 – – Help with drug addiction, alcoholism, chemical dependency, gambling addiction, mental health, dual diagnosis, etc.


Antibody response linked with rejection in pediatric kidney transplant recipients

Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers

Minnie Sarwal, MD, FRCP, PhD (California Pacific Medical Center) and her colleagues mapped the antibody immune response in 130 children who received kidney transplants through 12 different US transplant programs participating in a trial comparing …
Read more on EurekAlert (press release)


Pharmacogenetics research enters second phase

Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers

… of a larger NIH effort called the Pharmacogenomics Research Network. University of Montana researchers, collaborating with several other leading researchers from Northwest universities and tribal communities in Alaska and Montana, are building …
Read more on Char-Koosta News


Fed cuts would hit National Park funding for Lowell Folk Festival

Filed under: inpatient drug treatment centers

LOWELL — If automatic federal funding cuts go into effect Friday, Lowell National Historical Park officials expect they will have to cut about $ 415,000 from its budget, eliminating travel for employees and park funding for programs like the Lowell …
Read more on The Sun