What Are the Best Quit Smoking Sites That Really Help You Quit?

Question by totalbalance4u: What are the best Quit Smoking sites that really help you quit?
Dear quit smoking experts or better yet, ex-smokers, what are the best quit smoking sites that really support/help one quit this terrible addiction?

I’m highly motivated and am looking for the best support available to succeed, once and for all. Thx. in advance for you help.

Best answer:

Answer by fieldelson
I was a smoker for 45 years and I tried all kinds of quit smoking gimmicks.The only thing that worked for me was the Guts to try and the willpower to stick to it. It has been 15 months now,and some days are still hard to stay smoke free, but so far so good, give it a try and Good Luck,You can do it.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!


US FDA norms on Clinical Pharmacogenomics may provide clear rules for new

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The focus of this guidance, however, is to provide advice on general principles of study design, data collection, and data analysis in early-phase trials. The document guidance does not address trial design or statistical analysis … The risk of …
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