What Format Can Be Used for an Educational Class in a Rehab Center?
Question by Judas: What format can be used for an educational class in a rehab center?
We are looking for formats other than watching videos and reading informational packets(boring) on mental health issues and substance abuse. Please help.
Best answer:
Answer by severus
You could bring in people to share their experiences with these problems and share how they survived. that would make it like an NA or AA meeting, but just to hear the stories about feelings toward rehab. You could have an explanation of the criminal justice system and how it works after release from jail, how people have to see the parole officer, even in other counties once a month or whatever are the terms required. None of this is fun. You could prepare an agree disagree discussion guide regarding treatment plans and their effectiveness, as we all know the rate of recidivism is quite high. You could show a review of the DARE program. Research hasn’t shown it works to prevent drug or alcohol abuse, but it is still funded. You could assemble a panel discussion, and allow questions from the audience. That would be nice.
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