What Is Someone That Works at a Christian Drug Rehab Center Called?

Question by AWOLNATION: What is someone that works at a Christian drug rehab center called?
Like, the person who talks to the people with addictions and tries to help them and talk about God?

Best answer:

Answer by susanperr

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Christian Drug Rehab Center — Step 10


Lohan will go to rehab as part of plea deal

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

Lohan will go to rehab as part of plea deal. DERRIK J. LAN, Associated Press Copyright 2013 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.
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Johnny's World: I Believe in You

Filed under: christian drug rehab centers

But Christ said, “If He didn't believe in the Prophets, they won't believe you either…not even if One should be raised from the dead (implying the Resurrection). If you want to actively be gay that's fine, but I don't think it's right to say that you …
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