What Is Th E Difference Between Addiction Clinical Counslors and 12 Step Self Help Programs?

Question by Ina B: what is th e difference between addiction clinical counslors and 12 step self help programs?
I am doing a research paper on drug addiction recovery and what the difference is between the clinical staff (treatment) and going to self help 12-Step groups (etc. N/A, AA).

Best answer:

Answer by JAMES C
In a clinical setting it’s more one on one and some find it easier to open up in that setting. Most addicts have underlying issues that caused the addiction in the first place. As for A/A-N/A is done in a group setting where one addict depends on others to help him. Its a support structure, that can be carried from the meeting to the street or home. If the addict feels the need to use he/she can call upon their sponsor for help. (only works if the phone call is made) I prefer to counsel in small groups, and do not follow the A/A N/A method. Drugs and alcohol use is a personal choice just as recovery is. Recovery will only work when the person truly wants to quit.

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